In Chennai and Tamil Nadu/India, which was the basis for demonstration of UNIDO regional projects, circumstances at the time of project (mid 90's) commencement were such that the tanning Industry was under considerable pressure vis-à-vis effluent treatment. As a result several tanneries or clusters had already undertaken investments in primary or secondary effluent treatment. Rather than create a possible redundant model plant, the project strategy was oriented towards demonstration of four full scale model effluent treatment plants representing different aspects of tannery effluent treatment plant in terms of influent, treatment process and size. Thus, the Ranitec CETP with treatment capacity of 4,000 m3/d receiving effluent from 76 tanneries processing from raw to finished and using amongst others an anaerobic treatment system (lagoon) was upgraded to serve as a model for similar treatment plants in the region. The Vishtec CETP with a capacity of 3,400 m3/d of effluent using two stage aerobic treatment system was upgraded (mainly process control) to be a second model site. The President Kid Leather Company ETP, 120 m3/d receiving effluent from semi-finished to finished tanning processes from an isolated was upgraded as a model site (automatic dosing, laboratory). The MHT Company ETP, capacity 100 m3/d, receiving effluent from a traditional isolated vegetable tannery, a low cost anaerobic treatment system, was upgraded and serves as a model for similar units.
Detailed reports describing assisted tannery effluent treatment plants:
i) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Amburtec, Ambur, India
ii) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Kolkota, Leather Complex Kolkota, India
iii) Effluent Treatment Plant, Meera Hussain Tannery, Melvsiharam, India
iv) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Pallavaram, Chennai, India
v) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Ranitec, Ranipet, India
vi) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, SIDCO, Ranipet, India
vii) Common Effluent Treatment Plant, VISHTEC, Melvisharam, India