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Sustainable leather manufacture

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First Aid in the Workplace - Bengali version

Company management must ensure that the workplace provides workers and anyone else attending the workplace with access to appropriate first aid equipment. Management must also ensure that the workers have access to an adequate number of persons who have been trained to administer first aid.

Translation into Bangla by Koornzaayer Foundation and conversion of the learning material by M. Straka are gratefully acknowledged..

How to deal with hydrogen sulphide

Hydrogen sulphide gas present in tanneries and effluent treatment plants has proven fatal to workers exposed to it many times. It is therefore necessary that the owners and managers of tanneries and effluent treatment plants are fully aware of the dangers posed by this poisonous gas and take all preventive and precautionary measures to protect the workforce from exposure to this gas. In the event of accidental exposure of a worker, they should know how to deal with the situation.