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A photo/video gallery aims to provide an overview of some selected activities from various projects, technical assistance and events.
GREENING THE ROAD TO SUCCESS - Transformation of Leather Industry Pakistan/Karachi Korangi
Utilization and/or disposal of solid waste is presently one of the most difficult challenges facing the leather industry and tanneries. Tanneries generate various by-products and solid waste given only approximately 50-55% of corium collagen actually ends up as finished leather.
UNIDO in partnership withMinistry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (MoFALI) and UNFAO is implementing an EU funded “Support to Employment Creation in Mongolia (SECiMC2)” .
The UNIDOs’ blended learning course on "First aid at the Workplace" was launched in Mongolian. The course is aiming to introduce the potential hazards and risks at the workplace, and deliver knowledge and skills for providing the first aid for a victim, co-worker or oneself.
The course consists of 8 modules, namely: dealing with heart attack, burns, contusions, eye injuries, severe bleeding, chemical and electrical accidents at the workplace, and first aid kits. The course content was localized into Mongolian within the project “Support to employment creation in Mongolia SECiM C2”, which is funded by the European Union, and jointly implemented by UNIDO, UNFAO and the Government of Mongolia. The Mongolian Red Cross Society, the national humanitarian organization, will implement the course further by integrating e-learning with classroom practical training. The project has developed the Trainer's manual on blended training, jointly with the MRCS.
The case studies of the course are based on the risks and hazards in footwear manufacturing, however, the first aid principle is same everywhere, thus the course could be used in any industry, such as wool and cashmere, mining, construction. Any relevant topic out of 8 modules to be selected and taught according to the needs of learners and nature of the industry.
Opening ceremony of this blended training and 2-days training for trainers held at the First aid’s training center of the MRCS on October 10th, 2019. Representatives from the Ministry of food, agriculture and light industry, Ministry of labour and social protection, European Union, UNIDO, MRCS, MALI, leather and textile manufacturers participated.
“The introduction of the blended learning course ‘First aid at the Workplace’ of UNIDO will enable the Mongolian Red Cross Society in Ulaanbaatar and in rural aimags to deliver the training for enterprises and industries in the area. By acquiring these modules, trainees will become able to prevent the potential risks at the workplace, and provide the proper first aid for the victims” said T.Bayarchimeg, Deputy Secretary of the MRCS.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Government of Turkey by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Bursa Test and Analysis Laboratory (BUTAL.) hosted the International Workshop on Sustainable Production in Leather Processing Ind
XXXIV IULTCS Congress Chennai/India 5-8 February 2017; Mr. J. Buljan - presentation Analysis of flow and energy aspects of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology in treatment of tannery effluents in Tamil Nadu India
The Indian affiliate to IULTCS - Indian Leather Technologists Association (ILTA) and CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute jointly organized the XXXIV IULTCS Congress during 5-8 February 2017. UNIDO presented during the Congress three topics:
Energy and carbon footprint assessment conducted in six tanneries in Kanpur by Ms. Jutta Knoedler, International Expert – Energy Management, UNIDO, Kanpur revealed the following results: