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Skills development plays a major role in employment, both in terms of quantity and quality. With the growing pace of technological change, the need for specialized technical skills has become ever more pressing. The skills required to be employed in modern leather and leather products manufacturing are changing, as well as the institutional structure around them. In the past, employability was correlated with improvements in basic education levels. In the emerging competitive setting, there is a greater emphasis on specialized high-level training.

 UNIDO has demonstrated its commitment to professional training. The majority of its  technical assistance projects include study tours, fellowships and group training activities. Moreover, the majority of UNIDO’s interventions in the leather sector involve establishing, upgrading or assisting institutions and trade associations that provide professional education and/or training.

 Employment generation is an important aspect of any industrialization agenda. Both developed and developing countries are calling for policies that promote skills development.

 Innovation, fostered in part by a highly trained and skilled work force, is fundamental to sustained economic growth. Documents and papers related to training and learning prepared by UNIDO are available in this section.

Ажлын байранд гарч болох аюул, эрсдлүүдийг таниулах, осол гэмтлийн үед эмнэлгийн тусламж ирэхээс өмнө цаг алдалгүй, өөртөө болон бусдад анхны тусламжийг аюулгүй, зөв үзүүлэх мэдлэг, чадварыг олгох зорилготой “Ажлын байранд анхны тусламж үзүүлэх нь” цахим хичээл Монгол хэлнээ нээгдлээ.

Сургалтын материалд бодит жишээг гутал, арьс шир боловсруулах үйлдвэрийн орчинд авч үзсэн байгаа ч аливаа осол гэмтлийн үед анхны тусламж үзүүлэх арга нь ижил тул сургалтын материалыг ноос, ноолуур, уул уурхай, барилга зэрэг дурын салбарт ашиглах боломжтой. Салбарын онцлогоос хамаарч 8 модулиас хэрэгцээ шаардлагын дагуу сонгон хэрэгжүүлж болох юм. Цахим хичээлийг сонирхсон хүмүүс Интернэтэд холбогдсон суурин болон зөөврийн компьютер, таблет, ухаалаг утас ашиглан хүссэн цагтаа хаанаас ч үзэж судлах боломжтой


Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

 Цахимаар суралцах талбар   (copy and paste this link into browser)

Цахим курст бүртгүүлэх заавар ба төслийн танилцуулга

Recommendations and preventive measures in response to COVID-19: Guidance for the industrial sector

This tool provides guidance to employers, workers and their representatives on preventive measures for a safe return to work in the context of COVID-19, conforming to well established principles and methods on occupational safety and health risk management.

There are many other useful guidelines and recommendations available.

Leather industry expert Richard Daniels In association with IULTCS, SLTC and the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (Unido), has released an extensive guide to leather manufacturing.

The 10-part guide, which contains insight on leathermaking, was created to give aspiring leather technicians a self-training resource for the procedures used in making a wide variety of leathers. It includes 300 technical diagrams.

The study is optimised for mobile or tablet viewing and covers the raw material properties, manufacturing procedures and outcomes, and production of major leather types including:

Bovine hides
Hair sheep and goatskins
Wool-bearing sheepskins.

You can find the full guide in 10 parts (plus summary) below. The full guide was presented during the XXXVI IULTCS Congress in Ethiopia in November 2021.

The course Introduction to Leather Testing is designed for training institutions, private companies and individuals that require understanding of both the theory and application of a wide array of standard test methods in utilize in the leather industry. The course is recommended to be used in a blend of classroom instruction using training content or self-learning along with allocation of time for hands on application in the laboratory. All courses provide opportunity for continuous professional development and lifelong learning.

The Course is divided into five modules:

M1: Fundamentals in Material Testing

M2: Basics in Leather Testing

M3: Physical Testing

M4: Fastness Testing

M5: Chemical Testing


Content was developed and prepared as a joint effort between UNIDO, FILK Freiberg Institute and Common Sense. Dr. S. Dietrich will guide you through the course. The course is offered free of charge and a certificate issued upon successful completion of the course.

The course will be available also in additional languages. The course was developed thanks to a generous support from the Government of Japan.

To register to the course, please use this link:

"SAFE Leather" must mean safe for operators and workers, as well as safe for consumers and communities. Company management must ensure that the workplace provides workers and anyone else attending the workplace with access to appropriate first aid equipment. Management must also ensure that the workers have access to an adequate number of persons who have been trained to administer first aid.

First Aid course/training should be mandatory for all emplyees. 

First Aid course Modules
Module 1: First Aid Kit - content
Module 2: First Aid Dealing with Heart Attack
Module 3: First Aid Dealing with Burns
Module 4: First Aid Dealing with Accidents Involving Chemicals
Module 5: First Aid Dealing with Contusions
Module 6: First Aid Dealing with Eye Injuries
Module 7: First Aid Dealing with Severe Bleeding
Module 8: First Aid Dealing with Eelectricity


To enroll into the course please follow the link

UNIDO Course Introduction to treatment of tannery effluents

The course, “Introduction to Treatment of Tannery Effluent” is designed for training institutions, private companies, and individuals that require an understanding of effluent treatment methods in the leather industry. The course is recommended to be used in a blended approach via classroom instruction using training content or self-learning along with an allocation of time for hands-on application in the laboratory.   There are 5 modules in this course as below:

Module 1: Load, norms, in-house treatment. This module will explain the aim of effluent treatment; pollution load and the main wastewater quality parameters; typical discharge norms.  It will also offer a general overview of the treatment of tannery effluents, segregation of streams, treatment of spent liming floats, and treatment of chrome-bearing floats
Module 2: Treatment within tannery compound. This refers to the pre-treatment for discharge into the common effluent treatment plant (CETP) collection network, and physical-mechanical (primary) treatment for discharge into municipal sewage.
Module 3: Sludge dewatering.  This module explores sludge thickeners, sludge pumps, filter press, centrifuge, belt filter press, flow-chart of physical-chemical treatment, and sludge drying beds.
Module 4: Biological (secondary) treatment.  This module looks into activated sludge, aeration devices, oxidation ditch, and the flow-chart of the biological treatment
Module 5: Occupational safety and health (OSH) in CETP, and its costing and management

Link to the course:

Course: Occupational Safety and Health Aspects of Leather Manufacturing  - This training programme has been primarily designed for a wide range of people involved in the leather industry: from owners and tanners to managers and supervisors to tannery workers and technicians. Some parts of the training can be used by participants as self-study material. The training can also help in an exchange of ideas on how to improve the occupational safety and health standards at work in the tanneries and effluent treatment plants.


Safety training for employees is important because it reduces workplace injuries, boosts productivity, and creates a safer workplace. 


Employers have a legal responsibility to provide key safety information to staff. Your staff need to understand Health & Safety basics in the workplace. The Health & Safety Awareness Course will deliver exactly that and provide your business with legal compliance.


All practitioners involved in the leather industry but the core principles are applicable to all industries.


This interactive course introduces the participant to many aspects of the Health & Safety at Work and is intended to help raise safety standards and awareness. Blended learning, group activities, case studies, etc will introduce key components and strategies to managing safety effectively.


The OSHALM Training is a blended learning programme which comprises classroom and online/self-paced components.

The course curriculum is structured into the following eight modules


The Health & Safety Awareness Course is perfect for delivering safety awareness information to your staff.

Safety training is more than just a vital tool to keep your company compliant – it’s also an opportunity to foster a strong safety culture throughout the entire organization to make compliance the priority from the start.

Course link:  

UNIDO on-line learning How to deal with hydrogen sulphide gas

Confronted with increasing legal and social pressures, no tanner can afford the luxury of not being familiar with the main issues and principles of occupational, safety and health protection pertaining to tannery operations.

Hydrogen sulphide gas present in tanneries and effluent treatment plants has proven fatal to workers exposed to it many times.

See also Safety Video - How to deal with hydrogen sulhide gas

It is therefore necessary that the owners and managers of tanneries and effluent treatment plants are fully aware of the dangers posed by this poisonous gas and take all preventive and precautionary measures to protect the workforce from exposure to this gas. In the event of accidental exposure of a worker, they should know how to deal with the situation.

The lessons that follow are to help tanners, tannery managers and operators to acquaint themselves with the basic principles How to deal with hydrogen sulphide gas.

The on-line course developed by UNIDO including test provides an opportunity for the proper training within tanneries related to danger associated with hydrogen sulphide gas. After finishing the test with minimum score 80%, participants will receive the certificate and will be able to download it.

How to enrol into the UNIDO on-line course “ How to deal with hydrogen sulphide gas”?

Follow a link: 

It is hoped that the certificate will be accepted also by Occupational Safety and Health Authorities as a proof that staff was properly trained.

The objective of the study e-Learning in the leather based industries is to analyze the the use of modern (non-traditional, beyond the textbook and classroom based) training methods and related tools. Special attention is paid to the new UNIDO effort in building a library of electronic training materials for the leather, footwear and other leather products industries. As the first attempt the footwear pattern engineering training kit transferred into e-Learning tools are presented in order to demonstrate capabilities and the potential of this technology. Paper presented during the 18th UNIDO Leather Panel in Shanghai/China September/2012

The objective of the study is to analyze the actual, fairly contradiction situation caused by economic changes in the past 3-5 decades, to review the most pressing problems – especially from developing countries point of view (where the bulk of leather processing and leather products manufacturing takes place presently) and to recommend principles and directions for [internationally] coordinated development in this field. Paper prepared and presented by Mr. F. Schmel during the 17th UNIDO Leather Panel Meeting in Addis Ababa/Ethiopia (January 2010)
